Social Groups
Daytime Book Club
First Monday, 12:30 pm (Meets October through June).Second Monday, 12:30 pm (Meets September and July – No meeting in January)
We read, discuss, and recommend books. We spotlight certain titles with individual reviews and devote one annual meeting to group discussion of one book read by all members.
Chair: Carol Cooper, 614-313-9998
Ladies Night Out
Second Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. with social time at 6:00p.m. (Sept. through May)
Friendship, community service and fun. Open to all CWC members, but especially for the convenience of women whose responsibilities prevent them from attending daytime activities.
Chairs: Judy Robinson, 614-447-8043
Buds to Bouquets
Fourth Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. (Sept., Oct., Jan., thru Aug.)
To further interest and knowledge in various aspects of gardening and flower arranging while enjoying old friends and making new ones.
Chair: Judy Robinson, 614-447-8043
Evening Book Club
Fourth Wednesday, 7 p.m. (no meeting in November or December)
Provides an opportunity for discussing and recommending books of all kinds and covering different genres throughout the year. New topics picked in January. We welcome guests and new members at any time. We’d love to hear about what you are reading.
Chair: Joan Wintermantel, (330-354-4335)
Photography Group
Third Monday, 1:00 p.m.
Having fun sharing and learning about photography.
Contact Person: Nancy Draudt, 614-267-1442
CWC Friends Forever
Fifth Thursday,11:30 a.m. (Meetings; May, Aug. and October) Meeting in the Ravine Room
To continue friendships among fellow CWC members.
Co-Chairs: Carol Russack, 614-447-9459 and Peggy Fawcett, 614-263-0412
First Friday, 11:30 a.m. (Sept. through June – no meeting in Jan.)
To learn about old and new arts and crafts. New members are always welcome.
Chair Person: Ellen Wilson, 614-262-1749
Second and Fourth Wednesday, 10:00 a.m
Fostering friendliness among members who enjoy the art of painting.
Chair: Patti Hughes, 614-218-2657