Card and Games Groups
Fourth Thursday, 11:30 a.m. (Except Nov. and Dec.)
Provide newcomers and active CWC members a chance to become better acquainted and to play Bridge. Open invitation is extended to all CWC members. Play Bridge and enjoy fun and fellowship with CWC members.
Co-Chairs: Kay Neffenger, 614-205-6858 and Sue Conrad, 614-538-0683.
CWC Friends Forever
Fifth Thursday, 11:30
To continue friendship among fellow CWC members.
Co-Chairs: Betty Shaw, 614-306-1050; Myra Dull, 614-451-0295
Daytime Book Club
First Monday, 12;30 p.m. (Oct, Nov, Dec, Mar, May, June)
It's all about books. We read them, discuss them, recommend them, spotlight certain titles with individual reviews, and devote one annual meeting to group discussion of one book read by all members.
Chair: Joan Wintermantel, 614-527-9545
First Friday, 11:30 a.m.
Learn about old and new arts and crafts.
Chair: Nancy Campbell, 614-284-8229
Buds to Bouquets
Fourth Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. except November or December)
To further interest and knowledge in various aspects of gardening and flower arranging while enjoying old friends and making new ones.
Chair: Judy Robinson,614-447-8043.
Second and fourth Thursday at 1:00 p.m.
Playing canasta, have fun and fellowship.
Chair: Connie Snyder, 614-657-6692
Evening Book Club
Fourth Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. (except December)
To provide an opportunity or discussing nd recommending books of all kinds nd covering diferent gen
Ladies Night Out
Second Wednesday, 6:00 p.m., Sept-May
Relaxing get together, social time (wine and light food) plus a program. Open to all members.
Chair: Nora Huber, 614-783-6672
CWC Bridge Group
Third Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
To have fellowship and enjoy an evening of bridge playing.
Cc-Chairs: Betty Shaw, 614-451-4930; Peggy Watkins,614-457-3871.
Third Thursday, 12:15 p.m.
Playing Contract Bridge and having the fellowship of one another.
Co-Chairs: Carol Raparelli, 614-874-5300 and Joni Shade, 614-975-8738
First Thursday Cards
First Thursday, 12:30 p.m. (except Jan. and July).
Play cards (Bridge and Euchre), and promote friendship.
Chair: Cindy Williams, 614-461-4000
Mah Jongg Mavens
Every Tuesday, 12:30 p.m.
Promoting friendship, fun, and learning the ancient game of Mah Jongg.
Chair: Hope Roberts, 614-937-1725